Sunday, December 26, 2010

Whats in for dinner today?

Bored of your daily meal? Here we go!!

 Round 01

Round 02

Round 03

Tummy Yummy!!!! :) :)

Narmada, Gujarat

Yet another magical color of Western India witnessed!

Surat, Gujarat

Any place that you visit, you will actually find its very own charm and beauty. I am so fortunate to have actually witnessed a  totally different color from India. And pretty indeed! :) 

The famous Magdalla Bridge. It is also referred at times as the Band Stand of Surat for various romantic reasons :P

OMR - Chennai

Was taken from Thiruvanmyur Station, right opposite to the Tidel Park :)

Guess the place!!! :)

Marina Beach - Chennai

Ritchie Street - Chennai